Our student leadership team spans our College providing opportunities for student to
participate in decision-making, run events and become involved in a culture of service
and entrepreneurship.

2021 Captains and Leaders
Seconday School

College Captain College Captain College Captain College Captain
Disha Rabari Erica Ventura Raha Foroughi Rabia Farooq
Junior School

Captain Captain Vice Captain Vice Captain
Arjav Rabari Hannah Marsden Kayden Gunn Amber Sangha
House Ambassadors

Connor Andrew Bella Brady Ronan Mason Maryam Rezayi
International Captain
Junior School
Charlene Chen

Our adoption of the International Baccalaureate programs from Prep through to Year 12 with the Middle Years Program to begin in 2020, has resulted in a shift of philosophy toward student leadership. From 2019 onwards, our leadership program as well as building the confidence of its students, providing opportunities to lead and collaborate with others will have a particular service focus with respect to the community.
This is a shift in culture away from events-based leadership and towards a service orientation. We have already begun a focus on entrepreneurship LINK TO THE SCHOOL WEBPAGE which resulted in over 40 students and teachers being trained in the GENIN model of entrepreneurial model of innovation and competition over a month late last year. https://www.studyqueensland.qld.gov.au/genin
This proved quite a daunting expectations for our students and so we expect this added service element to complement entrepreneurism and in doing so provide an expanded number of opportunities for a greater diversity of students.
We begin our program this week with 40 prospective student leaders joining our Calamvale Community and College Alliance breakfast. The business leaders who have worked with us for four years and last term explored their own experiences of entrepreneurship and leadership, will this week mentor our young people in their own innovative ideas in answer to the question: If I could make a change in the world, what would it be? The format will be speed mentoring (similar but obviously different to speed dating) but all participants will speak with up to 6 business people in the process.
There will be continuing workshops over the next month, leading into a peak experience motivational presentation on June 13th by the student leadership organisation called High Resolves.
This company will present to our students about Social Progress and in semester 2 on the Better Self. Sixty students from 6, 7, 8 and 60 students from 9, 10, 11 will have this experience as a launch into student leadership at Calamvale. We expect that students will present, in groups, to you as parents on the evening of June 13th which will provide an opportunity for you to share in their learning and possibly even give them feedback on their plans.
Please encourage your students to participate when the opportunity arises, either through Year 6 teacher, years 7-9 Humanities or by contacting Mr Butterworth in Keera or Ms Curtin in Cobar.
Our definition of citizenship and leadership
At High Resolves, we define citizenship as acting in the long-term collective interest
and leadership as inspiring others to do the same. The High Resolves citizenship framework, which forms the foundation of our curriculum and our new Citizenship Quotient project, lays out the core competencies of citizenship and the spheres of life where they must be practiced.

8 Citizen Competencies + 3 Spheres of Life = 24 Expressions of Citizenship
These illustrations are screenshots and as such not interactive, but you can find all the information and interact with the project at https://highresolves.org/