Positive Education at CCC
Positive education is the combination of traditional education principles with the
study of happiness and wellbeing, using Martin Seligman’s PERMA model
Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology, has incorporated positive psychology into education models as a way to decrease depression in younger people and enhance their wellbeing and happiness. By using his PERMA model (or its extension, the PERMAH framework) in schools, educators and practitioners aim to promote positive mental health among students and teachers.
The PERMA and PERMAH frameworks
PERMA encompasses five main elements that Seligman premised as critical for long-term wellbeing:
Positive emotions: Feeling positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, interest, and hope
Engagement: Being fully absorbed in activities that use your skills but still challenge you
(Positive) relationships: Having positive relationships
Meaning: Belonging to and serving something you believe is bigger than yourself
Accomplishment: Pursuing success, winning, achievement, and mastery
The PERMAH framework adds Health onto this, covering aspects such as sleep, exercise, and diet as part of a robust positive education program (Norrish & Seligman, 2015).
(Source: https://positivepsychology.com/what-is-positive-education/)
Positive Education is delivered explicitly in the Secondary School through our Wellbeing lessons on Thursday session 2 as well as embedded in many other facets of our College, as seen in the Wellbeing Framework below:
Click on the links below:-
Toby hasn't seemed himself lately and his mate Ella is worried about him. In this video we learn what signs Ella noticed and the steps she followed when asking, "Are you OK?"

How to start the conversation
Alec and Jenny are mates but Alec has noticed that lately Jenny doesn't seem her usual self. In this video, we learn how he can be a good friend by talking to Jenny about what might be troubling her.
How to be a good mate
Bullying and cybersafety

If your child is being bullied click HERE
If your is bullying others click HERE
If your child has seen bullying click HERE
Please click below for more information regarding reporting cybersafety and bullying.

Please click here for more information regarding support for cybersafety and bullying.
Stymie empowers young people to ask for help when they need support, or if they are seeing or experiencing harm.
Stymie provides online reporting for schools. Encrypted, anonymous notifications are delivered within seconds to authorised recipients, who respond according to their wellbeing framework. The notification provides the option to include screenshots or images that validate the notification.
Suicide ideation, discrimination, anxiety, depression, bullying, self-harm, physical fights, sexual assault, family violence and illegal activity are reported using Stymie.
Our purpose is to support psychological safety by empowering young people with the self-belief that they can #saysomething on behalf of themselves or as a bystander for someone else.
Parent and Family support services
(click on image below to take you to these helpful websites)

Support Services for Young People
Supporting your child's well-being and mental health Click HERE

Child and Youth Mental Health Services

11 ways to support your child's wellbeing during senior assessment - click HERE
Understanding Gaming Fact Sheet - Click HERE
Tips to maintain good mental health - Click HERE
How can I get my teenager to go to school - Click HERE
Preparing my child for high school - Click HERE
Spark their Future
Find ways to inspire your child to enjoy school and learning. - View HERE
Supporting senior student wellbeing- View Podcast
Information for parent - 
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre - 
MindStrength- Online course for Parents. - 
Helping young people overcome anxiety - 
MindStrength- Online course for students -
What else do you need information or support with today?