Language & Literature
The study of English allows students to accurately, fluently and purposefully become critical and creative communicators across a growing range of contexts. CCC is a culturally diverse school, and we understand the importance that reading, writing and speaking English play on the successful negotiation of life after high school.
English at CCC values and studies the contribution by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and our connection in the world with our Australasian neighbours. As CCC moves to become an MYP IB World school we acknowledge that English proficiency is invaluable globally. Students at CCC will learn English and English skills that contribute to nation-building and to internationalisation.
Each teacher of English at CCC encourages and supports diversity in learning and accommodates a range of learning styles, by incorporating UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and by encouraging student agency, respecting and valuing student voice.
At CCC students will develop the following skills, in accordance with Australian Curriculum (ACARA) requirements:
Year 7
- Explain how text structures and language features can influence an audience
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts
- Edit for meaning
- Consolidation of handwriting
- Use of a range of Information and Computing Technologies (ICTs)
Year 8
- Explore and explain how authors influence their audience
- Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that raise issues and advance opinions
- Refine and clarify use of text structures and language features to improve effectiveness
- Use ICT to create, edit and publish texts imaginatively
Year 9
- Explore and explain the language and visual choices that authors make
- Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and advance an argument
- Review and edit own and others' texts
- Flexible and imaginative use of ICTs