The College's HPE key learning area (KLA) work program reflects the dynamic and multi-dimensional nature of health and recognises the significance of physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in contemporary Australian society.
The key learning area provides a foundation for developing active and informed members of society, capable of managing the interactions between themselves and their social, cultural and physical environments in the pursuit of good health.
The key learning area offers students opportunities to develop knowledge, processes, skills and attitudes necessary for making informed decisions about
• Promoting the health of individuals and communities.
• Developing concepts and skills for physical activity.
• Enhancing personal development.
Students are encouraged to act, individually or collectively, in culturally appropriate ways to enhance health and wellbeing and to promote structures in society which support their own and others' health and wellbeing.
HPE is a core subject for all students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Students have 2-3 x 70 minute lessons per week for one semester. Across the span of the three years the program is condensed to allow for greater latitude in guiding students into possible pathways into senior school with the Athlete Development Program (ADP) and Fitness Education (FE) run in conjunction with HPE.
Active engagement in physical activity is a major emphasis in this key learning area. At Calamvale Community College, at least 70 % of available time in HPE is allocated to learning experiences that actively engage students in physical activity. This emphasis recognises that participation in physical activity promotes health and acknowledges the unique role of physical activity as a medium for learning.